
Näe dra mig ner i helvetets hålor, här ska uppdateras.

Vilket jävla slit i nya lägenheten, men nu börjar det märkas att man gjort något. Ska tapetseras i mitt rum imorgon, fan vad gött.

För de intresserade kan jag meddela att jag mår förjävla fint. Allt är på topp.

- "Is that what you call a getaway? Tell me what you got away with. 'Cuz I've seen more spine in jellyfish, I've seen more guts in eleven year old kids.
So have another drink and drive yourself home, I hope there's ice on all the roads so you can think of me when you forget your seatbelt, then again when your head goes through the windsheld. 
Is that what you call tact? You're as
subtle as a brick in the small of my back. So let's end this call and end this
And is that what you call a getaway? Tell me what you got away with.
Cause you left the frays from the ties you severed when you say "best friends"
means friends forever. "

This is who I really am inside.

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